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The Night Rider

The video showcases the universal love for motorcycles, which allow us to explore new places, enjoy, and relax. Motorcycles serve as an escape from the everyday and a path to peace and happiness. In the video, Tara Zupančič tests the Moto Guzzi V7 Special, which was customized by RudeGentleman Garage. The project lasted one month, from organization to realization, and helped promote all the involved parties.

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Explore with us the Honda Civic eHEV 2022 on the island of Gran Canaria, where we highlighted its blend with everyday life and harmony with nature. While driving along scenic roads, the Civic eHEV with its advanced hybrid powertrain provided a smooth ride and enabled the creation of stunning footage. This video emphasizes the benefits of sustainable transportation and the beauty of nature, while also showcasing Honda's forward-thinking approach..

CLIENT: Honda Canarias

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BMW X6M SH-trade

Explore the embodiment of power and control in our latest presentation of the BMW X6M Competition. This video invites viewers to dive into a world where elegance meets undeniable power. Designed for those who find themselves in high-performance engineering and discreet authority, it perfectly captures the spirit of the ultimate ruler of the roads. For the SH Trade brand, this project resulted in increased visibility and significantly contributed to the rapid sale of the vehicle.


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Honda CRF 300 Rally

"Zaživite zgodbo, ki jo piše veter na cestah Fuerteventure z našim projektom, ki poudarja dušo Honda motocikla. S kamero v roki in motorjem pod seboj sem se podal na raziskovanje lunarnih pokrajin in slikovitih obal, kjer vsak zavoj odpira novo poglavje avanture. To ni bil le izziv snemanja, temveč odkrivanje, kako motor in narava skupaj ustvarjata harmonijo.

To je več kot samo video; to je vabilo k odkrivanju in občutku svobode, ki ga prinaša vožnja. Pridružite se nam in skupaj ustvarimo zgodbo, ki bo navdihnila vsakega ljubitelja motociklov.

STRANKA: Honda Tenerife

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